استشارات قانونيه مصريه , زواج وطلاق الاجانب, تأسيس الشركات في اسرع وقت واقل تكلفه , القضايا التجاريه ,كتابة توثيق عقود زواج عرفي شرعي , قضايا محكمة الاسره , تأسيس الشركات , تقنين اقامات الاجانب , القضاء الاداري , القضاء المدني , قضايا الجنايات والجنح

Writing contracts of all kinds


Writing contracts of all kinds

A contract is an agreement between two or more parties to create obligations that are enforceable or otherwise recognizable at law.

Forming our contract department, who are rated as the top contract attorneys in Egypt, as the heart of our firm we are committed to keep it the best. International contracts are an integral component of all business ventures. Whether you are a small, family-owned enterprise or a large-scale operation, the foundation of your organization rests upon its contracts. It is extremely important that you seek the advice of a knowledgeable and experienced contract attorney to help you with your business contract needs. A lawyer can assist you with all of your contract’s needs here in Egypt, Cairo or internationally.

When drafting contracts for a new or existing enterprise, it is necessary to predict future situations your business may encounter. Quality business contracts take into consideration a multitude of factors that may not be obvious to you as a business owner. Whether you are opening a sole proprietorship or entering into a partnership, or embarking on a new endeavor in the course of an established business, you should seek the advice of a trained contract attorney to help you protect your rights and your business.

Intellectual property, advertising and creative contracts:

We represent clients in creative fields with contracts that assign work and secure ownership of creative work, including (among others) production, licensing and service agreements.

We can help you with:

Commercial Contracts

Civil Contracts

Artistic production Contracts

Industrial contracts

International Contracts

Export contracts

Import contracts

Employment contracts


Commercial Contracts

We provide commercial contract support for in-house legal teams and also handle major projects and business-critical contracts for companies across sectors. The team has dedicated commercial lawyers who at any one time will be working on deals ranging from straightforward agreements to complex multi-party projects spanning multiple jurisdictions.

We work with clients to structure and document relationships with suppliers, customers or strategic partners including any concession, right or license won to exploit a market or material asset. We draft the range of documents necessary to create and preserve these relationships, protect our clients’ rights and enhance the value of their businesses.

Our advice covers all kinds of commercial agreements including purchase and supply, partnering, agency and distribution, franchise, logistics and warehousing, facilities management, management arrangements, commercial outsourcing, joint ventures, partnerships and strategic alliances. We believe in the strategic alliance as a business medium, we understand its importance to our clients’ businesses and have significant experience implementing strategic alliances by way of joint ventures.

Our contract attorneys work often varies. They can be engaged activities such as document review in response to a document subpoena or request for production of documents. In such projects, contract attorneys may review tens of thousands, if not millions, of pages of documents and mark them as responsive to a particular request, or protected as attorney work product or under the attorney–client privilege. Large firms have learned that contract attorneys can perform this work much more cost effectively than high-priced associates.

Many contracts, or freelance, attorneys perform legal research, draft legal briefs, and provide a full range of other services to law firms of all sizes. Our attorneys typically work for our firm, and provide their services only to Alzayat law firms on an as-needed basis.